Reviews of the Past: Watching the Box Office of 2012

The next set of reviews we’ll be publishing are some of the ones Roger Thomas has done exclusively for The Stanly News & Press. Roger has written movie reviews for The Stanly News & Press and other outlets for years, long before starting this blog. So we decided it would be good to give readers a sample of his previous work, in addition to posts of reviews of current films. Other reviews will run daily.


Written by Roger Thomas

When you are a movie fan like me, all aspects of the art of filmmaking are intriguing. That includes the box office receipts.

Barring a huge upset 2012 may break a few records. It is difficult to predict whether the total domestic grosses (box office ticket sales in the USA) will exceed the record set in 2009: $10,595,500,000. But there are plenty of other records that are equally impressive.

First, there has never been a year in the history of film when three films passed the $400 million mark for initial box office receipts. “The Dark Knight Rises” (read Roger Thomas’ review here) should pass that number by the middle of August, give or take a few days. Then it will become the third film of 2012 to cross the milestone. The other two that have already passed the mark are, of course, “The Avengers” with $617 million and “The Hunger Games” with almost $407 million.

There have only been two years in history that have had four films that broke the $300 million mark. In 2007, “Spider-Man 3,” “Shrek the Third,” “Transformers” and “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End” all passed $300 million. In 2010, the films to accomplish this were “Toy Story 3,” “Alice in Wonderland,” “Iron Man 2” and “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.”

It does not appear that any other films thus far released in 2012 will cross the $300 million threshold. Even the incredibly good “The Amazing Spider-Man” seems destined to come up short. (If it does not earn $300 million, it will be the first Spider-Man film to not cross the mark and may be seen as a disappointment for that very reason.) But even though, no current film seems to have the drawing power to cross the mark, there are still more than four months left and at least two heavy hitters coming soon.

The final “Twilight” film and Peter Jackson’s first of the three parts of “The Hobbit” are both expected to be popular to the tune of possibly $300 million or more. If each meets or exceeds expectations, 2012 will be the first year ever to have five films that surpass $300 million. If this happens the combined box office of the top five films of 2011 will meet or exceed $2 billion. (That’s billion with a B.)

One other trend I am watching is the total number of films to exceed $200 million. The record is 2007 with eleven films achieving that goal. Both 2010 and 2009 had ten films that reached this goal. 2005 had eight.

The Amazing Spider-Man

Currently with more than four months left in this year, and several big films yet to be revealed, 2012 has eight films that have passed the $200 million threshold: “Avengers,” “Hunger Games,” “Dark Knight Rises,” “Amazing Spider-Man,” “Brave,” “Lorax,” “Madagascar 3” and “Ted.” Three comic-book films, three animated features, one sci-fi novel adaptation, and one raunchy comedy. Expect to see a lot more of each of these genres in the years to come.


I should note what some of you might be thinking. Comparing the years does not take into account the increase in ticket price and the additional charges for 3-D or Imax. Nor does it account for inflation. I agree, these things skew some of the results.

It may be comparing apples to oranges, but it is the only numbers we have. (There are some charts online that take into account inflation but I am seeking to compare real numbers from the last decade.) We could all agree that there was not substantial change between 2011 and 2012. Both years had 3-D, Imax and the difference in average ticket price was only 9 cents. And yet not even one film in 2011 made $400 million; this year we have three already. For me, that is an interesting statistic, not earth-shattering but compelling.

Will 2012 have more than eight films to earn over $200 million? Probably. More than eleven? Only time will tell. Will another film or two break the $300 million mark? I certainly will not be surprised. My guess is that at least two more films will for a record total of five. Will there be another film to surpass the goal of $400 million? Probably not, but then again, all records are made to be broken.

For a movie lover like me, watching the box office grosses is a fun pastime between watching the movies.

Editor’s note: Here are the top 10 highest grossing movies domestically for 2012, per Click on each movie title to see a trailer of the film.

1. The Avengers $623,357,910   Roger’s review

2. The Dark Knight Rises $448,139,099   Roger’s review

3. The Hunger Games $408,010,692   Roger’s review

4. Skyfall $304,360,277   Roger’s review

5. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey $303,003,568   Roger’s review

6. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 $292,324,737

7. The Amazing Spider-Man $262,030,663   Roger’s review

8. Brave $237,283,207   Roger’s review

9. Ted $218,815,487

10. Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted $216,391,482   Roger’s review

What You Missed: 11-26-14

Written by O’Boyd

Another new feature in Cinema Corner 2.0 is our wrap-up file of all the movie-related events from the day.

Think the Drudge Report meets Hollywood. We’ll list here some of the stuff we’ve posted from earlier in the day along with other items we think you should check out. Each day, we hope to provide you with a roundup of sorts of the things we believe you’ll enjoy and want to read about.

As always, enjoy!


What we’ve posted

— New trailers for “Jurassic World”, Pan and “The Interview

— Roger Thomas’ Reviews of the Past: “The Dark Knight Rises

— Batman vs. Superman? How about Batman vs. Darth Vader

Also check out …

— gives you eight tips for getting the most out of your Netflix account.

— Speaking of Netflix, gives us it’s weekly picks from the site.

— An international trailer for “Jupiter Ascending” was also released.


Reviews of the Past: ‘The Dark Knight Rises’

The next set of reviews we’ll be publishing are some of the ones Roger Thomas has done exclusively for The Stanly News & Press. Roger has written movie reviews for The Stanly News & Press and other outlets for years, long before starting this blog. So we decided it would be good to give readers a sample of his previous work, in addition to posts of reviews of current films. Other reviews will run daily.

Dark Knight Rises

Tom Hardy and Christian Bale

As I considered writing this review, I reflected a great deal on the events that happened in Colorado the night the film opened.

I was at a midnight showing of “The Dark Knight Rises” here in Albemarle. They, of course, are in a different time zone than us, but everything else was similar. The victims were only attempting to do what my friends and I did on Thursday night, July 19.

I am sure they waited in line. They ordered snacks. They entered the theater with great anticipation. And they perhaps even cheered, as many did in our local theater, when the film finally began.

In a statement, Christopher Nolan, director of “The Dark Knight Rises,” offered these words: “I believe movies are one of the great American art forms and the shared experience of watching a story unfold on screen is an important and joyful pastime. The movie theater is my home, and the idea that someone would violate that innocent and hopeful place in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me. Nothing any of us can say could ever adequately express our feelings for the innocent victims of this appalling crime, but our thoughts are with them and their families.”

Affirming Nolan’s words, and recognizing as many have said before me, “To let fear force us to abandon experiences we cherish is a way of affirming the victory of those who seek to terrorize us,” I now offer my thoughts of the film “The Dark Knight Rises.”

In a word, “The Dark Knight Rises” (TDKR) is epic. Bigger and more ambitious than the first two Nolan Batman films. Gotham City is taken hostage by the villain Bane. Catwoman steals from and flirts with Bruce Wayne. Butler Alfred gives his best speech of the series. Batman is royally defeated in a fight scene. Add to this a young cop who figures out Batman’s identity, a young woman taking the reins of Wayne Enterprises and possibly Bruce Wayne’s heart and new toys from Lucius Fox. And all this happens in the first half of the film.

It almost seems that Nolan and his co-writer/brother Jonathon Nolan, realizing this is their last Batman flick, decided to throw in as much as they could. Thus the word epic. It is a grand achievement, bigger and bolder than either of the other two films.

But alas, bigger is not always better. Acknowledging this statement may begin a great debate with comic book fans everywhere, “TDKR” is not as good as its predecessor, “The Dark Knight.”

The Dark Knight” is as near to a perfect superhero film as has ever been created. Tom Hardy does a fine job as menacing Bane, but I doubt he will get an Oscar as did the late Heath Ledger for his portrayal of the Joker. (And may no one say that he would not have received the award had he not passed away. Ledger would have won regardless.) All the performances in the new film are good, but none of them come close to Ledger’s work as the most fiendish villain in comic book movie history.

I also believe the script for “The Dark Knight” is stronger. There are several lines in that film that I still quote four years later. There are some subtle and some overt stabs at political issues in “Dark Knight” that are more poignant than in anything I remember in the new film. “TDKR” tells a good story, but the dialogue does not have the same bite as the previous film. Plus, the script of “TDKR” has several plot holes that one must overlook to fully embrace the story.

But with that said, there is much to like here. Again, I like the scope of the film. I liked much of the humor. I especially enjoyed the story arc for new character Officer Blake. Catwoman is great. Michael Caine’s performance, though smaller in this film, is almost Oscar-worthy. All the scenes following Batman and Bane’s first brawl concerning the recovery of Bruce Wayne are the best parts of the film. Gotham City looked great. And I am glad that Gary Oldman’s Commissioner Gordon was given more to do. And that’s just stuff off the top of my head.

In the end, Nolan has given film lovers one of the greatest trilogies in cinema history. And so what if the final installment is not quite as great as the previous film. “The Dark Knight” is a very high achievement to match. I know I will revisit this trilogy many times in the years ahead. So if you have not yet seen “The Dark Knight Rises,” my recommendation is to go. Few films this year will offer more excitement.

Box Office results

Domestic gross: $448,139,099

Foreign gross: $636,300,000

Production budget: $250 million

Opening weekend: $160,887,295

NOTE: Information from