‘The Equalizer’ blazes path to No. 1 on DVD rental chart

Written by O’Boyd

Every Tuesday, we’ll publish the latest list of top DVD rentals, according to information released by HomeMediaMagazine.com. The website is one of the industry leaders in tracking information on movie rentals at stores and at RedBox.


The Denzel Washington-fueled action film “The Equalizer” took over the top spot among DVD rentals according to the latest figures released Monday by HomeMediaMagazine.com.

“The Equalizer,” which made over $100 million in the U.S. and another $90 million worldwide, wasn’t necessarily a surprise hit in theaters. So it’s no surprise that it’s no-nonsense-approach character and quality action sequences were apparently enough to woe people to give it a rent also.

“Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” made the list for the first time at No. 2. “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” which had been No. 1 the previous two weeks, fell to No. 5. “Guardians of the Galaxy” remained strong at No. 3 and “Let’s Be Cops” held No. 4 in its eighth week in the top 10.

The only new entry into the rental market, the horror “As Above, So Below,” came in at No. 12 on the rental list.

Top 10 through Jan. 4 (Move links take you to Roger Thomas’ review of the film.)

1. The Equalizer

2. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

3. Guardians of the Galaxy

4. Let’s Be Cops

5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

6. Tammy

7. The November Man

8. If I Stay

9. Into the Storm

10. Dolphin Tale 2