‘Taken’ franchise has made some Americans uneasy about traveling to Europe

Written by O’Boyd

“Taken 3” hits theaters on Jan. 9. It’s certain to give some Americans pause about traveling to the continent. At least according to the film’s star, Liam Neeson.

In an appearance on the British variety show “The Graham Norton Show” to promote “Taken 3, Neeson said he received a letter from an American teacher who said parents of some of her students reacted negatively to “Taken 2.”

“Just the other day I got a letter from a school teacher in Texas who had tried to take 60 students to Europe and the families of 40 of them got the kids out of it because they had seen Taken 2. And then this year she wanted to take 20 of them and the parents all said, ‘No, because we’ve seen that movie!'”

Neeson also made a funny promo for “The Graham Norton Show,” which you can see above.

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