What You Missed: Dec, 18, 2014

Written by O’Boyd

Another new feature in Cinema Corner 2.0 is our wrap-up file of all the movie-related events from the day. Think the Drudge Report meets Hollywood.

Why should you have to search all over the Internet for movie news when you can get it all right here. We’ll list here some of the stuff we’ve posted from earlier in the day along with other items we think you should check out. Each day, we hope to provide you with a roundup of sorts of the things we believe you’ll enjoy and want to read about.

As always, enjoy.


Umm … what?

Our headlines from Wednesday …

The latest on the Sony hack, ‘The Interview’ and more

Sony pulls ‘The Interview’; Reports: North Korea behind attack

Texas theater plans to show ‘Team America: World Police’ in place of ‘The Interview’

Monkey from ‘Secret of the Tomb’ to take over Twitter with guest tweet session

Tim Burton dishes on second ‘Beetlejuice,’ state of superhero movies

Hugh Jackman teases details of ’X-Men: Apocalypse’ and ‘Wolverine 3’

Could next ‘Pirates’ movie be a soft reboot if Orlando Bloom returns?

Another ‘Force Awkens’ character has apparently been named

• The National Film Registry’s 25 selections for the newest films to enter its group of notable works include some big names like “The Big Lebowski,” “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” and “Saving Private Ryan.”

• Hollywood also reacts to the other big news of the day, the end of the U.S.-Cuba standoff.

• Another bit of news from the Sony hack has Paul Feig wanting Peter Dinklage to play the villain in the all-female “Ghostbusters.”

• Cinema Blend has what is says is the plot for the female Ghostbusters.

• Neil Gaiman, who created the classic “Sandman” graphic novels, wants Tom Hiddleston to play the leading man in the movie that Joseph Gordon-Levitt will direct.

• The “Rocky” spinoff, “Creed,” has its female lead.

• “The Hobbit” The Battle of the Five Armies” made $11.2 million in Tuesday previews.

Does a leaked Lego catalog for 2015 give away key details of Marvel’s “The Avengers: Age of Ultron?”

• For the record, J.K. Rowling says Severus Snape isn’t a vampire.

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Everybody say “Cheese.” Come on Chris … you smile, too.

• ‘Birdman’ Star Michael Keaton leads another field: The Hollywood Reporter’s Rule Breakers 2014. Read more about Keaton and check out all the links for THR’s Dec. 26 issue.

The Ten most talked about movies in 2014, according to Google

• Here’s what the creators of “Super Troopers” are doing next.

Screen Rant had five big geek questions it asked about films at the start of 2014. Now, it answers those questions.

IGN has its list of the 10 coolest things Marvel did this year.

• Entertainment Tonight has four actors among its six biggest celebrity transformations in 2014.

• The Hollywood Reporter lists its 2014 producers of the year.

Now that “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies” is out, Fandango’s “Reel Kids” interviews children about the movies.

Netflix is making a miniseries based on “Wet Hot American Summer.” ScreenJunkies.com gives us five other cult classics that should also get Netflix series treatment.

• Schmoes Know’s next film in the 25 Days of Christmas is “White Christmas.”

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