The latest on the Sony hack, ‘The Interview’ and more


Written by O’Boyd

The last two days have been a whirlwind of news, action and reaction about the Sony hack.

From theaters opting out of showing “The Interview,” then Sony pulling the plug altogether, it’s been a crazy 24-48 hours. I’ve read so much interesting stuff on the film, the decisions, what’s next … it’s unprecedented.

Below are links and stories we’ve compiled that, hopefully, wrap up what has been a crazy period in the movie industry.

• One Texas theater thumbs its nose at it all and decides to show another controversial film in place of “The Interview.”

Sony confirms it won’t release “The Interview” anytime soon. That includes theaters, DVD, Blu-Ray and Video-On-Demand.

• While you can’t exactly watch ‘The Interview,” IGN gives you the next best thing: clips from the film.

Variety reports “there are no legitimate measurable copies of ‘The Interview’ on torrent sites” or any other piracy site … yet.

• New Regency has dropped plans for its North Korean thriller “Pyongyang,” which was to star Steve Carell and would be directed by Gore Verbinski.

• Hollywood reacts to all the news via Twitter here and here, too.

Entertainment Weekly examines how things would have gone had ‘The Interview’ been a prestige pic.

• Sony executives are now leery of sending emails.

• The Sony hackers used the email address of Nicole Basile, who has worked with Sony before and left Sony after her recent job with them “on great terms.”

• The president says it’s still OK to go see a movie. 

Finally, something to lighten the mood a bit. Thanks, James Gunn.

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2 thoughts on “The latest on the Sony hack, ‘The Interview’ and more

  1. Pingback: What You Missed: Dec, 18, 2014 | Cinema Corner

  2. Pingback: Could ‘The Interview’ be headed to video-on-demand release for Christmas? | Cinema Corner

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