Jonathan Frakes (Riker) wants to direct ‘Star Trek 3’


Written by O’Boyd

Jonathan Frakes, who played Riker on “Star Trek The Next Generation” from 1987-1994, has experience as a director within the franchise.

He directed “Star Trek First Contact” and “Star Trek Insurrection” during his time with the program. Now, with the news Roberto Orci is out as director for “Star Trek 3,” Frakes says he’d like to take a stab at the current franchise.

Speaking with KOMO News Radio in Seattle, Frakes said he’d be all for the chance to direct the next installment. Currently, Edgar Wright is considered the odds on favorite to helm the third film. JJ Abrams did the first two films but is currently involved in the “Star Wars” franchise.

Click here to hear the interview.

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