Red Band Trailer for ‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ released

Written by O’Boyd

The “T” in Tuesday must stand for “trailer” around Hollywood, because it’s been a big day for trailers.

“Kingman: The Secret Service” released a Red Band trailer on Tuesday. There’s a lot of the same clips we’ve seen in the previous two trailers. But there’s a few more curse words (hence the Red Band designation) but a whole lot more action.

Let’s hope these three trailers haven’t spoiled what looks to be a promising movie when it premieres on Feb. 13.

Below are the first two official trailers and the international trailer to enjoy also, if you haven’t already seen them.

May 21 first trailer

September 22 second trailer

International Trailer

1 thought on “Red Band Trailer for ‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ released

  1. Pingback: What You Missed: Dec. 10, 2014 | Cinema Corner

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