del Toro spills (some of) the beans on “Pacific Rim” sequel

Guillermo del Toro

Written by O’Boyd

“Pacific Rim” was a good movie. It wasn’t a great movie.

Released on July 12, 2013, it made just under $102 million domestically but raked in $309 million in the foreign markets. That comes off a $190 production budget, according to

So it turned a profit. Just not a really big one.

That’s never stopped Hollywood before.

Director Guillermo del Toro broke the news not too long ago about two sequels. Now, we know some additonal details, according to

Charlie Day, who played Geizler, and Burn Gorman, who played Gottlieb, will return for the second film. It takes place a few years after the first film.

“It’s a few years after the first one.  It’s not an immediate follow-up.  It is the world having been freed of Kaiju, what happens to the world after – what happens to the Jaeger technology once the Kaiju are not a threat.  It’s quite a jump.”

But that’s not all he said, according to the website.

“Yes.  It’s quite a different movie from the first one in that, but I think that two of our main characters like in the first one are Burn and Charlie.  They are really, really – I mean, honestly, they are probably the guys I have the most fun writing along with Hannibal Chau so just from a purely selfish drive, I like writing them.  I love writing for Charlie and Burn.  I mean, [Burn’s] in Crimson Peak for that reason, because I love working with him.  You’re gonna get a lot of that, but the Kaijus are very different and you’re gonna see a very different type of the robots I think.  It’s gonna be quite a different adventure.”

del Toro will direct “Pacific Rim 2,” which is scheduled for an April 7, 2017 release.

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