Reviews of the Past: ‘Total Recall’

The next set of reviews we’ll be publishing are some of the ones Roger Thomas has done exclusively for The Stanly News & Press. Roger has written movie reviews for The Stanly News & Press and other outlets for years, long before starting this blog. So we decided it would be good to give readers a sample of his previous work, in addition to posts of reviews of current films. Other reviews will run daily.


Colin Farrell

The original “Total Recall” with Arnold Schwarzenegger was released in 1990. I did not see the film in a theater because it got very mediocre reviews. Sometime later the film received two Oscar nominations for Sound and Sound Effects Editing, neither of which the movie won. “Recall”, however, did receive a Special Achievement Award for Visual Effects. With all the interest from the Academy, a female friend and I decided to rent the film on VHS. (No DVDs or Blu-Ray back in those days.) We went to her apartment, and watched Arnold travel to Mars and do a lot of stunts.

Sadly, I recall more about when and where I saw “Total Recall” than I remember about the film. I had even forgotten that much of the film is set on Mars until I read the new version was set completely on earth. I did remember that the film involved implanting memories and something going wrong. But I could recall very little else when it came to the film’s content. I do remember one thing, and this should make the filmmakers of the original “Total Recall” proud, both my friend and I agreed, we liked the film more than we had anticipated.

I am glad to report that I like the new “Total Recall” as well. It is a great looking film. Visual effects have come a long way since Arnold was scurrying around Mars. The vehicle that carries workers from one side of the earth to the other is especially impressive. I enjoyed the scenes where the riders experience weightlessness. Great sets, stunning visuals, imaginative costumes, all of which might catch Oscar’s attention.

“Recall” has many familiar sci-fi elements: amazing technology, a domineering government, resistance fighters, heroes who want to escape, damsels in distress who may not be who they seem, leaders on both sides of the fight who are followed with zealous faithfulness.

One of the biggest differences between the new film and original is Colin Farrell. He is much better playing the “every man” who becomes a hero than Arnold ever could. Watching his transformation from confused worker to aware rebel is an enjoyable ride. 

The story is nothing unique. We have seen most of this before in one form or another but it works here. The actors do their job of explaining a lot without sounding too structured and inauthentic. The ideas are clear. And there are a few surprises in the midst of the more predictable elements. The fact that we know where we are going is not necessarily a bad thing if the ride there is fun.

Which is the highest praise I can give “Total Recall.” It is a fun movie. I enjoyed myself while I was watching it. In a few years, if I am flipping channels and see “Recall” playing, I will probably stop and watch it, at least for a few minutes. There is nothing too deep or meaningful in the film. No quote that specifically stood out to me, no moment when the truth of the film inspired me. It was just fun. A summer popcorn movie that is a successful distraction. (Years ago I wrote that my definition of a “good” popcorn movie is “a film that holds my attention for a couple of hours of amusement without offering me any real food for thought yet still does not insult my intelligence.”  The new “Total Recall” fits my definition perfectly.)

In the end, I think “Total Recall” (2012) will suffer the same fate as “Total Recall” (1990). I expect in far less than 22 years, I will recall very little about the film. But that’s ok, because I had fun during this recent viewing and that was enough.

Box Office results

Domestic gross: $58,877,669

Foreign gross: $139,589,199

Production budget: $125 million

Opening weekend: $25,577,758

NOTE: Information from