Reviews of the Past: ‘Escape from Planet Earth’

The next set of reviews we’ll be publishing are some of the ones Roger Thomas has done exclusively for The Stanly News & Press. Roger has written movie reviews for The Stanly News & Press and other outlets for years, long before starting this blog. So we decided it would be good to give readers a sample of his previous work, in addition to posts of reviews of current films. Other reviews will run daily.


Scorch Supernova (voiced by Brendan Fraser)

Last year was a great year for animation. I was glad to see “Brave” win the Best Animated Feature Oscar.  (This was the seventh win for Pixar in a category that has only existed 12 years.) Of course, I would have been satisfied with a win by “ParaNorman,” “Frankenweenie” or “The Pirates!” “Band of Misfits.  Wreck-It Ralph” was the predicted winner by many (I predicted “Brave)”; it was the only one I found unsatisfying. My personal choice for Best Animated Film of 2012 was “Rise of the Guardians,” but it did not even get a nomination from the Academy.

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It was also a good year for animated short films. I saw all five of the Oscar nominated animated shorts. I predicted the eventual winner “Paperman” and I love that short film, but if I had been voting, I would have cast my ballot for “Head over Heels.” Both films deal with love, but each offers a different stage of a romantic relationship, and “Heels” just won me over with its poignancy. Overall great work in animation, features and shorts.

And here’s to hoping 2013 will offer even more inspired wonders. Unfortunately, “Escape from Planet Earth” will not be one of those films.

Allow me to start with what does work in the film. The quality of animation in this film is outstanding. There are some shots of spaceships and alien technology that appear to be live action even though they are animated.

There is also some very impressive character animation, especially after the hero of the film arrives at Area 51. The concepts of the supporting characters outshine the leads, but I suppose you could say that about many supporting performances, animated or otherwise. So great supporting characters is not really the problem with “Planet Earth.”

The problem is twofold. First, the script is far too predictable. Even if one has not seen the trailer, the viewer is pretty sure what is going to happen and how others in the story will respond to the preordained events. You place this beside any Pixar film, even some of the lesser ones such as “Cars,” “Cars 2” or oh wait, there are no other lesser Pixar films. (Please do not write me to say “A Bug’s Life” or “Ratatouille” are weak films because I am not buying it.) My point is simply this, with each new “Toy Story” film, “Wall-E,” “Finding Nemo” or any of the others, there is always smart dialogue, a plot that takes you to unexpected places and real emotion. “Escape from Planet Earth” hopes for these things, but never actually achieves them.

The other problem is related to the first. All the best jokes are in the trailer. The purpose of the trailer is to get people into the theater seats. I get that. But please, do not show me all the best parts in the preview, or I have just wasted my money and my time. Believe me, the humor in this film is never funnier than the windsock joke, the brain freeze and the toilet joke, all of which are in the trailer.

My hope is that all the other animated films opening this year will far exceed “Escape from Planet Earth.” The trailer for “Monsters University” is more inspired than anything in “Planet Earth.” “Monsters University” is the prequel to Pixar’s classic “Monsters Inc.” “(Monsters Inc.” lost the very first Animated Feature Oscar to “Shrek,” so here’s to hoping Pixar can pick up their eighth win with this monster tale.) And hopefully, “Monsters University” will have a lot of competition. Last year, 21 animated features were released in the United States and eligible for the Animation Oscar. I hope this year there will be even more. By this time next year, I would love to write, 2013 was the best year ever for animation.

Box Office results

Domestic gross: $57,012,977

Foreign gross: $17,584,666

Production budget: $40 million

Opening weekend: $15,891,055

NOTE: Information from