Reviews of the past: ‘Away We Go’

Roger Thomas has written movie reviews for The Stanly News & Press and other outlets for years, long before starting this blog. So we decided it would be good to give readers a sample of his previous work, in addition to posts of reviews of current films. The following is a review that first appeared on Other reviews will run daily.

away we go

John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph

In the midst of all the explosions, floating houses and pubescent wizards, there is a smaller more intimate film making its way through the multi-plex this summer. “Away We Go” is one of the best discoveries to be found playing in a theater near you.

The story is a simple one. Burt and Verona are expecting a baby. This is their first child and they are faced with all the decisions that new parents must discuss. Fortunately for them, both have jobs that allow the couple to re-locate wherever they would choose to live. The film follows the expectant parents as they go across the country and into Canada seeking the best place to raise their child. Not wanting to re-locate where they will be all alone, the places they visit are all cities where they already know someone. The film takes the viewer along for the ride, and ultimately shuttles Verona, Burt, the baby and the audience through a hilarious and oft-touching adventure with a perfect conclusion.

There are huge laughs in the film. Some of the friends Verona and Burt visit are quite eccentric. One can see easily why it would be a bad choice to locate near those families. To offer more details than this, would be to spoil the jokes. But between all the humor, there is plenty of moments which touch the heart and resonate with many who have shared the adventure of parenting.

Ultimately, the film is a “road picture.” But like all great “road” films, it is so much more. It is a reflection on parents and child-rearing. Throughout their visits with friends and relatives, Burt and Verona encounter various parenting styles and numerous parenting issues. This couple and the viewers reflect upon how people parent, the choices they make and the struggles they endure. Moral questions are raised, and sometimes answered. But thought, reflection, and even inspiration are found in the situations and the dialogue, even when answers are not clear.

All the cast are quite good with stand-out performances from the two leads: Maya Rudolph (formerly of “Saturday Night Live”) as Verona and John Krasinski (of “The Office”) as Burt. However the real stars of this film are the screenwriters. Real-life couple Dave Eggers and Vendela Vida have constructed a masterful script, which is all the more impressive because it is their first. As stated above, the laughs are bountiful which is rare in films today, but more importantly, it is the explosion of honesty, truth, in the quieter moments that make this screenplay, and ultimately this film, one worthy of pursuit. You will not find it on five screens at every theater. So seek it out, especially if you are a parent.

Box Office results

Domestic gross: $9,451,946

Foreign gross: $5,447,471

Production budget: $17 million

Opening weekend: $130,411

NOTE: Information from